30 November 2011

Blogspot vs Wordpress

After attending the Visayas Blogging Summit 2011 yesterday, November 26, 2011, I decided to create a WordPress account. Virtual CEO of Live2Sell Group, Chris Ducker, advised us that Blogspot is slowly dying and we (Blogspot users) need to migrate from Blogspot to WordPress.

So here I am, trying to get to know WordPress, making my first attempt of my exploration of the site. And since I was convinced of my new-found co-blogger friend, Red (yes, we met during the summit) of Cook My Garden, to join the Cebu Bloggers Society, I decided to give it a shot and try to update my blog as much as possible.

And oh, aside from that I also need to find my niche. I haven’t decided yet what I really like since I’m interested in a lot of things like travel, food, books and new stuff that I want to share with people. Lucky Red, he already decided that he loves food and cooking. Now, he’s set on writing not only about food and recipes but also about people who create delicious mouth-watering edible things.

That makes me wonder what I really want. And what I have to do to make it unique.

Visit my Wordpress account here.

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